Creating Systemic Change for People and Planet

BIOGRAPHY OF Nikola Jurisic

Nikola Jurisic

Senior purpose expert founder of ta executive coach

GHAYA Senior Purpose Expert, Founder of Transfiguration Advisory, Executive Coach

Nikola is a cultural transfiguration catalyst and leading global expert in building values driven systems at scale. He brings a career of experience working on purpose and culture with hundreds of organizations and systems around the world, blending more structured organization level approaches (LSE, Economist, McKinsey) with more individual and intuitive work (Ontological coach, Facilitator of Transformation and Spiritual Healer with 30+ tools).

He is the founder of Transfiguration Advisory, where he works as a lead advisor, as a platform to help accelerate the cultural evolution of organizations and systems at scale.

Born in the Balkans, Nikola is inspired by processing collective trauma and building a values driven societies, rooted in that part of the world. He continues to contribute to this mission, for example by facilitating the 1st Collective and Transgenerational Trauma Lab in the Balkans (Thomas Hubl, Pocket Project) and co-founding ADA, a consciousness and intimacy platform.

Described by those who know him as a “mosaic” for his ability to bring a wide range of divergent perspectives, “free radical” as a catalyst and “spiritual gladiator” for his drive, Nikola has visited over 100 and lived in over 20 countries. His top 3 values are learning, fun and adventure, and excellence.

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